CCWA Mission is to promote the health of Conewango Creek so that landowners, citizens, visitors and municipal officials together take an active role in sustaining the resources of the creek and its watershed. Our main focus is education and hands-on experiences that improve the creek, watershed and re-connect people to the water. For example we have had a great turn out every year for our cleanup. Last year we held our Eighth Annual Conewango Cleanup.
Thank you for all your past Support!!!
Current Projects/Needs:
Conewango Creek Watershed Association is honored to be a partner with Penn Soil Resource Conservation and Development Council for the 2017 PA River of the Year: Allegheny River! Penn Soil has asked CCWA to help plan the 2017 Allegheny River Wilderness Sojourn since we have experience with our own Conewango Creek Sojourn in 2015. The Sojourn will be held June 22-24, 2017. We will also be holding some educational classes in honor of the Allegheny River celebration.
Among this year’s projects are the Front St. Canoe Launch Improvement. The Front St launch is located on the east side of the Conewango Creek in Glade Twp. The launch is owned by Glade Twp. and leased to CCWA for our Water Trail use. Improvements will include stabilization of the parking area, grading and stabilization of the launch itself and a walking path to the launch. Also Trees and shrubs will be planted to enhance and beautify the area. This launch is open to public use without any fees and does not require a launch permit for non-motorized boats. The design is complete and we are seeking funding to carry this project to fruition this year. One team from Leadership Warren is partnering with us on this project.
Orphan Well Location (OWL) Project is a new pilot program aimed at locating orphaned wells in and along Conewango Creek’s main stem. While a new well has been drilled along the Conewango Creek in North Warren, the question arose about the effect old abandoned wells could have on the water quality of Conewango Creek and the groundwater should new fracturing connect new wells with old wells. We will work with the Warren Co Historical Society and PA-DEP to look at old documents and maps, talk to long-time residents to gain information of abandoned wells. A team of volunteers will then go out to the field and “ground truth” the information, take GPS coordinates photos and document the well location and conditions. A map and database will be created that CCWA, PA-DEP and others can use. With this information we will prioritize which wells need to be plugged first and seek funding to do so in the future. We plan on developing a protocol and a manual for conducting this work which other watershed or community groups can use. And a huge part of the project is the education of everyone about these wells and the importance of addressing them.
This year we will have our Ninth Annual Conewango Creek Cleanup and our Third Annual Chautauqua Lake Cleanup. Our members are also vital to the planning and running of the Allegheny River Cleanup each year which is now in its Ninth year as well.
We thank all past supporters!!!
Contact: Elizabeth Dropp
Phone: 814-726-1441 Ext 6
Address: 4000 Conewango Ave., Warren, PA 16365